CICS has recently won the contract to verify the carbon footprint of SMA Solar UK's Solar Factory 1 in Germany
The company, which manufactures photovoltaic (PV) inverters, wants to prove to stakeholders that its Solar Factory 1 is the largest environmentally-friendly (carbon-neutral) production facility for PV inverters in the world. CICS, through a mixture of site visits and desk-top audits, will independently verify the carbon footprint of the factory to the international standard ISO 14064-1.
Upon successful completion of the verification, SMA Solar will be able to use CICS' Carbon Verified Assurance Mark. The Mark signals to stakeholders that the carbon footprint has been independently verified and can be used by SMA to promote their green credentials worldwide.
Shaun Bainbridge, Director at CICS, says:
"SMA currently has no legal requirement to measure their carbon footprint but, like many of our clients, they are choosing to voluntarily declare their emissions as a means of driving awareness of their commitment to sustainability. Having independent verification, as well as adding credibility, also helps to ensure that their data is accurate, thus providing a benchmark for future emissions-cutting initiatives."
March 2013