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ISO 14001 EMS Certification for Bangor University

Lucideon Certifies Bangor University’s Environmental Management System to ISO 14001

Case Study

Bangor University has had an Environmental Management System (EMS) in place since 2009 in line with and reaching level 5 of the Green Dragon scheme.

The challenge

As a part of its commitment to further development the university asked Lucideon CICS  to externally verify its EMS to the internationally recognised standard ISO 14001 in line with best practice.

What we delivered

Lucideon assessed the university’s Environmental Management System which covers a range of buildings over a number of campus locations.

The certification process consisted of a pre-assessment followed by stage 1 and 2 assessments. The assessments review systems in place, raise non-conformities and give recommendations for improvement which will help to eventually achieve certification.

Value to the client

Thanks to its work in the Green Dragon scheme Bangor University was well on its way to certification. The university has now become one of the first universities to have its EMS certified to ISO 14001.

Having its EMS externally certified gives the university the re-assurance that its data is accurate and reliable it will also help to bring about cost savings through improved performance and efficiency, through the systematic approach this international standard demands.

Sustainability is now higher on students’ agendas when looking at universities and students expect an environmentally conscientious campus. Certification to ISO 14001 demonstrates this and can give a big boost to a university’s reputation, including recognition from green leagues and sustainability awards.

Tim Watts, Operations Manager at Lucideon CICS, says:

“During the initial assessment process Bangor University demonstrated that they had established and implemented an EMS capable of achieving their policy commitments, objectives and operational needs.

“The EMS had been established for a number of years as part of the Green Dragon Scheme. This has significantly assisted the University in establishing an EMS, addressing the requirements of ISO 14001:2004.

“The process of implementing the EMS had identified and addressed a number of opportunities for improvement, establishing foundations for continued improvement in the future.”

Ricky Carter, Bangor University’s Environmental Manager said:

“Both the Green Dragon and ISO 14001 standards require systematic control of those activities that can have an adverse impact on the environment. In our case these include our energy consumption, use of natural resources, handling and disposal of waste, and business travel. Green Dragon is a highly credible management standard within Wales and to build on this by achieving ISO 14001 certification clearly demonstrates to our stakeholders at a global level, that our University is committed to protecting and enhancing our natural environment.”

Vice Chancellor Professor John Hughes commented:

“This is a wonderful achievement of the long term goal we set ourselves when we embarked on our EMS back in 2009. I am delighted that we continue to build on our international reputation as a sustainable University, and this is further evidence that we are taking our environmental responsibilities very seriously indeed.”