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SEM and EDX Analysis

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) Testing Technique

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) combined with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX), also referred to as Energy Dispersive Analysis (EDA) is a testing technique that provides detailed, high-resolution imaging and elemental information. SEM works by directing a finely focussed electron beam across the surface of a sample, producing secondary or backscattered electron signal. These signals generate intricate images of a sample's surface, while the EDX system simultaneously offers qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis.

As a dedicated SEM analysis laboratory, Lucideon expertly applies these techniques to provide precise, reliable insights into materials and their composition.

High-resolution imaging beyond optical microscopy

One of the most significant advantages of SEM analysis is its exceptional magnification capabilities. SEM provides magnifications up to approximately X50,000, allowing sub-micron features to be visualized in detail. This level of magnification goes far beyond what is possible with traditional optical microscopes, making our SEM analysis laboratory indispensable for exploring complex material structures and microscopic surface features that are otherwise hidden.

Key advantages of SEM/EDX

  • Rapid and high-resolution imaging:  SEM delivers quick, high-quality images of a sample's surface
  • Elemental analysis with EDX:  the EDX component allows for accurate identification of the chemical elements present within a sample. EDX can also perform quantitative compositional analysis, which is spatially resolved to user-defined areas of interest on the sample's surface
  • Comprehensive characterization of materials:  SEM/EDX is invaluable for examining a variety of material properties, such as particle distribution, grain structure, and the presence of defects or contaminants
  • Surface and defect analysis:  the technique is especially useful for detecting and analyzing surface defects, stains, and residues on materials like metals, glasses, ceramics, and polymers
  • Cross-sectional imaging and coating thickness measurement:  SEM is also effective in measuring the thickness of coatings and layered structures. By cross-sectioning and polishing samples, SEM can accurately determine the thickness of metallized layers, oxide films, and other composite materials

Applications of SEM/EDX in various industries

The versatility of SEM/EDX makes it highly applicable across a wide range of industries. SEM analysis laboratories play a critical role in the following applications:

  • Material structure characterization:  SEM/EDX is frequently employed to characterize the microstructure of materials, including the distribution of phases, grain boundaries, and crystal orientation
  • Surface defects and degradation mechanisms:  the technique is highly effective for assessing surface defects, reaction interfaces, service environment effects, and the mechanisms by which materials degrade
  • Layer thickness measurement:  SEM can measure the thickness of various layers within a material, such as metallised layers, oxide films, or coatings, using cross-sectional imaging
  • Contamination and particulate analysis:  SEM/EDX is also an excellent tool for analysing particulate matter and contaminants, whether they are found on the surface or embedded within a material

Industries benefiting from SEM/EDX analysis

The powerful combination of SEM and EDX is widely used in a variety of sectors. Industries that regularly rely on SEM analysis laboratories include:

  • Aerospace, defense and automotive:  these industries utilize SEM/EDX for evaluating material performance, surface treatments, and investigating failure mechanisms
  • Materials science:  researchers in materials science use SEM/EDX for detailed analysis of new materials, coatings, composites, and alloy compositions
  • Minerals and ceramics:  SEM/EDX is critical in the examination of mineral structures, glass properties, ceramic integrity, and the study of refractories
  • Healthcare and medical devices:  SEM is widely used to study biomaterials and the surfaces of medical implants, ensuring product quality and longevity


SEM/EDX: a summary of key features

  • Imaging capabilities:  provides high-resolution images using secondary and backscattered electron signals, with image resolution ranging from millimetres down to approximately 50nm
  • Elemental detection:  EDX can detect elements from boron (B) to uranium (U) with detection limits between 0.1 wt.% and 100 wt.%
  • Sample sizes:  the SEM can handle sample sizes up to 200mm in diameter and 80mm in depth, allowing for the analysis of a wide range of sample types
  • Area of analysis:  SEM/EDX can examine areas as large as 10mm x 10mm, down to as small as ~1µm x 1µm, providing flexibility for both macro and micro-scale analysis
  • Sampling depth:  the sampling depth for analysis typically ranges between 0.5µm and 3µm, enabling detailed insights into the sample’s surface composition and structure


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Solving Problems by Materials Analysis with an Electron Microprobe