Digital Image Correlation (DIC) for Aircraft OEMs
Need an in-depth understanding of how and why a component has failed? Digital Image Correlation (DIC) gives you an insight into the performance and durability of your products in two or three dimensions.
Digital Image Correlation has a variety of applications including:
- structural analysis of aircraft wings and shear panels
- strain analysis of metal aircraft structures including rotor blades
- high temperature coatings
- aircraft wheels and braking systems
- turbine engines
DIC is a non-contact, non-interferometric measurement technique that uses high-resolution machine-vision digital cameras to accurately measure surface deformation in two or three dimensions. This measurement is presented graphically in a number of ways such as a 2D strain map overlaying the test specimen, or a 3D displacement map showing the specimen surface and how it moves throughout the test.
This technique can measure contour, deformation, vibration and strain on a variety of different materials and can be applied to range of sample sizes. We can provide accurate results on your samples and a full analytical interpretation of data, helping you quickly understand where and how failures have occurred and provide solutions to these problems.
Partnering with us gives you access to extensive industry experience and knowledge of aircraft manufacturing which can help you save time, money and resources on projects – meaning you can get your products and materials to market quicker and ahead of your competitors.
Digital Image Correlation and its Benefits to Industry