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Jenbacher Gas Engine Specifications

Jenbacher (TI 1000-0300) and MWM (Technical Circular 0199-99-3017) Gas Engine Specifications


It is important to monitor the contamination in the biogas or landfill gas being used in gas engines in order to maintain suitable maintenance and service schedules. The technical documents TI 1000-0300 and technical circular 0199-99-3017 set the specification for the fuel gas quality to ensure trouble free use.

Applications and Benefits

These documents are used by gas engine suppliers and on site maintenance personnel to plan a maintenance schedule. It also allows the site operator to determine when the gas filters, if installed, need changing, recharging or regenerating to ensure the gas quality remains suitable for use in the gas engine.

Form of Results

The important parameters to be monitored are the concentration of halides (chlorine, fluorine, bromine), sulphur (sulphides and thiols) and nitrogen (ammonia and amines) which would be produced from the combustion of the gas supply. These compounds are likely to react with any moisture present to form corrosive acidic species. Larger hydrocarbon molecules than methane can affect the “knock” of the engine which may lead to mechanical problems with the engine.

The bulk gas composition is also important, especially the concentrations of nitrogen, CO2 and hydrogen which also have a knocking effect.

Combustion of siloxanes within gas form silicon dioxide, which is hard and can cause wear problems. Particulates can block injection jets so should also be avoided. Moisture, when combined with halides ions, will form acidic species. Some water will be produced as part of the combustion process, the amount should be limited as far as possible.

The calorific value of the gas is clearly important and primarily relates to the hydrocarbon content. It will provide an indication of the energy that can be generated.

The actual limits for all these compounds will depend whether the gas engine is fitted with a catalytic converter or not; if a catalytic converter is fitted it can be more easily contaminated with the exhaust gases if the gas supply contains organohalides, siloxanes, organosulphurs or nitrogen containing compounds. Limits will also depend on the type and size of engine in use.

Related Tests

  • BS EN 623-3 Bulk density
  • BS EN 993-5: 2000 Cold crushing strength
  • BS EN ISO 12677 Chemical Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
  • Mineralogical Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
  • BSEN 993-7:2000 Modulus of rupture at elevated temperature with three-point loading