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MIDAR®-Augmented Lower-cost Lower-carbon Encapsulation Technique

MALLET™ is a new, cost-efficient technique for encapsulating Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) which has the potential to revolutionise nuclear waste disposal, offering a flexible range of characteristics and improved performance compared to existing waste solutions.

Together, Lucideon and Nuvia UK have developed the novel geopolymer formulation to enable nuclear waste owners to process problematic wastes into a passive waste matrix that maximises waste loading and reduces overall waste disposal volumes.



MALLET™ offers significant benefits over current immobilisation methods:

  • Higher Waste Loading than Portland Cement (OPC) (>70% encapsulated waste)
  • Lower disposal costs
  • Lower interim storage costs
  • Lower carbon emissions than Portland Cement (OPC)
  • Simple batch process
  • Potential 'pour on solution' for 3m3 boxes
  • Potential to enable near-ground disposal
  • Potentially retrofittable to existing encapsulation plant


The aim of MALLET™ is to provide a reliable solution to a global challenge known as problematic nuclear wastes, which are those wastes for which safe, efficient, and cost-effective methods for processing are not readily available. Example problematic wastes include contaminated Sludges, Oils, Zeolites and Graphite.

We have successfully demonstrated complete encapsulation of several problematic waste streams, producing a solid, homogenous solution with high compressive strength.


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Encapsulated Sludge Simulant

MALLET™ technology can immobilise magnesium hydroxide-based sludges that result from the corrosion of Magnox fuel cans and swarf. The final waste form results in a 70:30 Sludge:MALLET™ end product.

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Encapsulated Oil Simulant

We target and encapsulate contaminated and activated oils that are unable to be incinerated. The final waste form results in a 60:40 Oil:MALLET™ end product.

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Encapsulated Graphite Simulant

MALLET™ can be used to encapsulate a wide variety of graphite forms that result from the construction of Magnox and AGR reactor cores.

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White Papers

Encapsulation of Wastes Using Adapted Geopolymer Formulations

A geopolymer formulation characterized by a low initial viscosity, suitable to immobilise a wide range of waste types such as oils, chemicals and solid waste, is introduced and characterised

Power Station
Encapsulation Using Adapted Geopolymer Formulations Based on Foundation Industry Wastes

Lucideon has developed geopolymer formulations for diverse applications and has built the understanding to control important characteristics

Geopolymer Matrix Composites
Geopolymer Matrix Composites for use at High Temperature - Fabrication, Properties and Applications

Geopolymer matrix composites are a group of materials which bridge the temperature performance gap between reinforced polymers and ceramic matrix composites