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Stone, Staffordshire, UK

Our Facilities in Stone, Staffordshire

Stone is our newest site, and the place of work for over 150 of our colleagues, making it our largest by population. As home to our advanced ceramics pilot line, our Advanced Materials team is based here as well as many our Analysis & Evaluation teams.

Our materials testing, analysis, evaluation and characterisation capabilities range from chemical and physical to high temperature and surface analysis. We don't just provide data: our experts offer interpretation to supply answers to your questions, ensuring that you have the full picture of why your material or product is performing the way it is. Other capabilities based at this facility include MIDAR® development, IMPACTTM, and iCRTTM.

Our Stone site also hosts The AMRICC Centre, the SIPF-funded advanced ceramics Centre of Excellence. This unique pilot-scale facility uses a suite of equipment within each processing step to either enhance the material end-product performance or optimise for efficiency within the process, ensuring manufacturing scalability.

With expertise in areas such as ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs), Flash Sintering, ceramic additive manufacturing, and ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), we work between TRL 1 and 6, bridging the gap between academia and industry, leading the way in commercialisation of novel materials and ceramic technologies.

Lucideon Building Stone