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Toothpaste Efficacy

Lucideon Helps Toothpaste Manufacturer to Prove Efficacy of their Product for Tubule Occlusion

Case Study

Open dentine tubules are largely responsible for tooth sensitivity, because cold fluid or other environmental changes will lead to depolarization of exposed nerve endings and ultimately the transmission of pain signals. Some oral care treatments aim to reduce nerve exposure through multiple mechanisms, including occluding the dentine tubules.


The challenge

A dental product manufacturer wanted to show the ability of their product to improve tooth sensitivity via tubule occlusion. They required extensive testing that visually and quantitatively demonstrated the effect of their product on exposed dentine tubules.


What we delivered

Lucideon used their expertise and surface science suite to conduct a study in which we visualised and quantified the dental tubule occlusion effects of our client’s toothpaste for sensitivity protection, primarily using SEM on longitudinal cross sections of the tooth.


Value to the client

The client was able to use the data to understand, and visualize, the effects of their product on dental tubule occlusion, and therefore reinforce consumer studies claiming its efficacy in reducing pain and sensitivity issues. By gathering the data and comparing that with competitor products the client was able to demonstrate the benefit of using their toothpaste for product labelling claims.