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Refractoriness Under Load Test Method

Determination of Refractoriness Under Load - Test Method - BS EN ISO 1893:2008


Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products. Determination of refractoriness-under-load.


Refractoriness under load is a measure of the behaviour of a refractory material subjected to the combined effects of load, rising temperature and time.


A cylindrical test piece is subjected to a specified contant compressive load and heated at a specified rate of temperature increase until a prescribed deformation or subsidence occurs. The deformation of the test piece is recorded as the temperature increases, and the temperatures corresponding to specified proportional degrees of deformation are determined.

Further details

Refractoriness under load (RuL) is the deformation behaviour of a refractory subjected to the combined effects of load, time and temperature. The test typically involves applying a compressive load at elevated temperature to determine the resistance of the refractory (or refractories) to deformation (ISO 1893-89). 

There are two types of RuL test. The Rising Temperature Test and the Maintained Temperature (Creep) Test.



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