Raw Materials Selection in the Tableware Industry
We understand that to make a quality, durable and long lasting product, while keeping costs to a minimum, you must select the appropriate raw materials.
Whatever the reason for considering a change in material selection, be it for cost issues, supplier, quality or environmental reasons we can answer questions such as:
- How can we improve existing materials, products, processes and technologies?
- Can we make them perform better – by selecting different materials and reformulating?
- Can we add functionality to what they do?
- Can we reduce the cost of them?
- Can we pinpoint the root cause of failures and stop them from re-occurring?
- Can we improve yields?
- How can we develop the next generation of products and processes?
Some examples of our services include:
- Chemical analysis of both bulk composition and trace analysis
- Mineralogical analyses for speciation and phase determination
- Physical testing such as grading, density, porosity, strength, rheology, mechanical, electrical and thermal properties
- Microstructural testing to study product failure or defects, failure mechanisms, inclusions, grain size and bonding structure
- Surface analysis to detect failures, contamination and defects