Refractory Services for the Iron & Steel Industry
The iron and steel industry is the largest consumer of refractory materials worldwide, accounting for around two thirds of refractory usage. From primary to secondary steel making processes a diversity of vessels exist for the major units, such as the blast furnace and electric arc furnace and the more maintenance-intensive components, such as launders, tapholes and submerged entry nozzles.
It is vitally important to builders and operators involved in primary and secondary steelmaking to gain the following:
- Trouble-free unit commissioning
- Long-term refractory lining stability
- Optimum operation between planned shutdowns
- Data for finite element modelling of vessel linings
- Accelerated design improvement
- Refractories support.
Lucideon offers the following services to the iron and steel industry:
- Assessment of proposed lining materials
- Production of data for finite element analysis modelling
- Optimal design assessment by finite element analysis
- Assessment of ex-service materials to determine deterioration mechanisms
- Independent inspections of deteriorated linings
- Refractories training for site employees
- Refractories support.