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Ceramic-Matrix Composites

Ceramic-Matrix Composites (CMCs) - Consultancy

Developments in nuclear and aerospace & defense sectors are leading to demand for materials that can operate at higher temperatures than ever before, and one potentially promising solution is ceramic matrix composites (CMCs).

Ceramic matrix composites consist of a network of fibers embedded within a matrix material, and have been developed to maximize performance attributes such as toughness when compared with traditional monolithic ceramics.

Ceramic Matrix Composites


CMCs address the issue of brittleness experienced by monolithic ceramics, which are often a barrier in the use of these materials in structural environments. The introduction of fibers within the ceramic matrix increases the toughness of the overall system, causing a combination of high operating temperature and mechanical loading - characteristics which are extremely beneficial when developing materials for use in harsh environments.

Our capabilities

Lucideon has the capability to work with Ox/Ox, SiC/SiC, and UHTCMCs through matrix formulation development, forming, densification - for example Polymer Impregnation Pyrolysis (PIP), sintering and testing.

Through our advanced ceramic pilot-scale facility, Lucideon provides a consultancy and trials offering to clients in need of materials development and process optimization. We work initially at pilot-line scale, with a view to upscaling these processes to full manufacturing capability.

Lucideon is also developing a novel CMC utilizing our proprietary MIDAR® technology platform. Geoceramic MIDAR® composites (GMCs) bridge the temperature performance gap between metals and high-end Ox/Ox CMCs. For more information, please click here

CMC facilities at Lucideon

  • Matrix material preparation facilities & expertise
  • Autoclave
  • Prototype scale Ox/Ox CMC sintering furnace
  • Furnaces with Polymer Impregnation Pyrolysis (PIP) capabilities



CMC ASTM test methods performed at Lucideon:

  • ASTM C1468-19a - Transthickness Tensile Strength of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature
  • ASTM C1773-21 - Monotonic Axial Tensile Behavior of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic Tubular Test Specimens at Ambient Temperature
  • ASTM C1899-21 - Flexural Strength of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic Tubular Test Specimens at Ambient Temperature
  • ASTM C1341-13 - Flexural Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic Composites
  • ASTM C1337-17 - Creep and Creep Rupture of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics Under Tensile Loading at Elevated Temperatures

Example applications

  • Reusable thermal protection systems
  • Leading edges for hypersonic vehicles
  • Exhaust mixers in jet engines
  • Nuclear fusion reactors
  • Battery encapsulation for aerospace


Collaboration with the UK National Composites Centre (NCC)

Lucideon and the NCC have recently signed an MOU to progress the development of oxide and non-oxide CMCs for a variety of applications. Each party's expertise complements the other, with Lucideon and the NCC providing the advanced ceramic and composite knowledge respectively.

This collaboration will provide end-to-end capability to address the current challenges with CMCs, from fundamental materials development through to full system design and validation.

As part of this relationship, we have produced a joint capabilities brochure, titled 'Ceramic Matrix Composites Opportunities'.

» The brochure can be found here





Geopolymer Matrix Composites
White Paper

Geopolymer Matrix Composites for use at High Temperature - Fabrication, Properties and Applications

CMCs Brochure

Ceramic Matrix Composites Opportunities – Joint Capabilities with the National Composites Centre, July 2024